Friday, November 21, 2008

Little Moments

Three Year Old Feet
I spent most of yesterday and last night up with sick kids. It is amazing to me how something as small as a virus reminds you how fragile life is. Maybe it is seeing those little guys become pale and lethargic, but suddenly I am more tolerant, patient, and kind. I just can't let them feel sick without extra love and attention.
It reminds me of Lonestar's song, "Let Them Be Little", these moments really are fleeting. I wish in some ways that I could freeze them at a certain age (my favorite is three) and yet I don't want to deny them the experiences and opportunities that come as they grow up. If I could somehow capture every little thing they do, cute story they tell, and amusing face they make I could let go easier. I guess that's the idea - learn to let them be little while they are, and then enjoy what comes next without wishing it away either.
So I guess my wisdom learned for today is seize the moment., even if it includes vomit stained clothes...


Suzee said...

Rachel....I found you through the sfhs blog. It is good to see you. You look great! Keep in touch. Hope your boys feel better soon.
Suzee (Evans) Anderson

Jackie said...

It is so great to hear from you. You look great. Your post about taking care of your sick little ones humbled me. I have had sick kids too and I am wiped out. It gave me the desire to just be more gentle. Thanks. My husband was looking over my shoulder when I was reading your post and he asked who you were. I was like "Rachel? I slept over at her house constantly when we were little!" You guys were the first people I knew that had a computer.