Sunday, March 29, 2009

I can't believe it snowed several inches again today. I am really looking forward to warmer weather, not hot, but warmer. I love when things start to grow and we can get started on the garden again. It's funny how with things like the garden, I do get all excited and work really hard at first and then when the weeds start to take over I get bored and tired of it. I do love those garden raspberries and tomatoes and onions and herbs though.

My baby has been quite the hand full lately. I guess he's not really a baby 18 months is technically a toddler. I just don't know what to do with him sometimes. He likes to hit his head on hard objects when he gets mad at me, which is several times a day. He also tries to hit me when he doesn't get his way. I remember the older kids went through something similar but he is really into it.

This week we went to a tumbling class to watch his brother and he was literally screaming for about 20 minutes straight because he wanted to be in on the tumbling. I finally gave in and let him jump on a room size trampoline but he got mad and started bangning his head on it because there was a boy on the far other side jumping too! He really thinks he is the star 0f the show all the time! Church is just a fiasco. I think people are wondering where all my parenting skills went when they watch him throw his sippy cup two or three rows away and then screams because I don't jump to get it back for him. Hmmm, is there a boot camp for babies? Can I send him away for a couple of hours a week and get a sweet, calm baby in return? Did I do something in my childhood to deserve this?

So much for my acquired knowledge this brain is mush and I'm super tired. Maybe next month. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I can be so lame...

Okay, so I haven't posted but a couple of times and already I have slacked off for several months. Usually it takes me longer to give something up.
But in my defense I did start a facebook profile and have been busily checking it, catching up with old friends etc. I have also been busier in the evenings lately due to my new addiction to "Lost". Yes we started watching it just this year so we have been catching up on all the previous seasons. I cannot believe how much time we have wasted watching "TV" but I must admit it has been fun. I haven't even spent near as much time reading as I usually do and I have completely ignored my kids Webkinz sites (yes I enjoy playing webkinz...just haven't done it lately).
AND - I made these lovely roman shades for my kitchen all by myself with my 1950's era sewing machine - good job me! See, I haven't been wasting all of my time...