Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ahhh ...Friends

Last night I joined half of the female population of Utah at the movie theater for the premier of "Twilight." Yes - I read all four books and no I'm not in love with Edward Cullen. I think Ms. Meyer is an excellent story teller and the books grabbed my attention but I am hardly a true follower. I was disappointed by the movie - it's like super budget quality with B level actors. I guess nothing can be as good as you imagine it.

The great thing about last night was the opportunity to connect with old friends. Two of my college roommates met me at the theater and we spent a good couple hours after immersed in conversation. How wonderful it is to have good friends! I love that even though our lives have taken us different places, and we don't have the chance to get together that often, that we can reconnect and it is just like we haven't missed a minute of each other's lives.

I love when a friend is a friend regardless of whether you are "on" and can appreciate the things about you when you are at your best, worst, or whatever it may be. I love that we can have such ranging views of life and how it should be lived and still be appreciative of each other and accept each other as we are. I love to just chat about the mundane, the trivial, as well as the big things in life. Thank you to my wonderful friends.

(I wish I had taken a picture but...)

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