Sunday, October 7, 2012

The past two days I have spent enjoying the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  What a blessing the conferences of the Church are to me!  I always feel the Spirit of God confirm my beliefs and strengthen them.  I learn ways to be a better person, to love and serve others, and to come closer to God.  I also invariably feel peace and comfort in the trials I happen to be experiencing.

I have been a little bit nervous about the coming of conference since I have had trying experiences shortly after the past two conferences.  Last Spring I discovered the lump in my breast that was later diagnosed as cancer just the night before General Conference. Last October we discovered our baby's heart was no longer beating just a little more than a week after conference.  I would by lying if I didn't say that I was a bit worried about what this conference could bring. 

Luckily, right now I feel at peace.  I'm confident that even if some difficult thing does pop up in the next couple of weeks, I know the Lord will help me through it. So today I will just enjoy the many blessings that are mine.  I have three wonderful growing boys to love and try to guide and teach.  I have an amazing husband who continues to love, serve and support me each and every day.  We live in a beautiful home that grounds us through my husband's family as it originally belonged to his maternal grandparents.  We live in a wonderful community full of people who are good and kind and caring.  I am blessed each day more than I can count.

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