Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Troubles and Friends

So about a month ago, just before I went back to CrossFit, I started to have some numbness and dull aching in my left arm.  I kind of knew what was going on, but I have been trying to ignore it.  Since surgery the pain has intensified and my arm has been swelling more noticeably.  At the appointment a week before surgery I asked the Plastic Surgeon about it and he wanted to blame it on CrossFit.  I didn't say anything to him but I thought, yeah right, "it's what you people have done to me, not what I am doing!" 

I saw the Physical Therapist yesterday, and she tested my range of motion and measured swelling.  Early Lymphodema.  It's basically protein buildup from reduced circulation in the lymph nodes due to the removal of lymph nodes.  They have really got to come up with a better way of testing those things than taking them out!  One would assume that with so many of those little things in our system the removal of three wouldn't be that big of a deal, but, not so.  This is more discomfort than the surgery incisions.  Cest la vie, I guess.  I am going to take a moment and put a positive spin on this; I could have lots more to complain about that a mere arm ache right?  I mean I am alive and relatively pain free.

On a brighter note...Last night I was able to spend some time with some dear friends.  We serve together in a volunteer church position and these women have become my sisters.  I love them!  We have worked together for the last three years and so they have been with me through a lot.  They have patiently listened to me complain, endured being exposed to way more personal information than they would ever want, and have been a shoulder to cry on.  The premise of the church responsibility is that I am supposed to be helping and serving others, when in truth, it has been a constant blessing to me personally.  Maybe that's kind of what the Lord has in mind anyway, that whenever we try to serve someone else, He makes sure to bless us more than we could ever try to bless someone else.
Our "meetings" are always filled with moments of spirituality, laughter, worry for our charges and they last way longer than they should.  But my sweet friends stick it through and it is always more fun than it probably should be.  I know I have said it before, but I love you my dear sisters and I am so grateful to know you!

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