Well, yesterday I had another surgery. It really hasn't been bad this time around. I am of course a bit sore but I have much more mobility than I anticipated. Outpatient surgery is where it is at. It is so much harder to stay in the hospital. I really appreciated being able to come home and be where I feel comfortable and like I can start to heal.
This surgery was to replace the tissue expander. I had originally wanted to be able to use my own tissue for reconstruction, but after a couple of visits with the specialist at the Huntsman in Salt Lake, I came to the realization that at this time I simply don't have enough extra tissue for that. I am disappointed in that I am stuck with a foreign object in my body and that is imperfect and will eventually fail. Seriously has anyone read the info the FDA puts out on silicone breast implants? It is amazing that women choose to put these things in their bodies for cosmetic purposes, though that's what I'm doing right?
I have had yet another drug reaction. I'm sure that my body is not reacting so much to the medications as it is to the implant. Since May when I first got an implant I have had allergic reactions to six different drugs. Six! I know my body is hypersensitive anyway, but I truly believe that having an implant in my body has magnified that sensitivity. It stinks. But there's not much I can do but to say no to the drugs.
I wanted to let you know how much I've appreciated reading your posts. I love how you write and explain your feelings. It has really touched me. You know I have always thought the world of you and still do. You are an amazing example of strength and grace through all of this. The world is lucky to have you in it. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Thanks Shawny. I know my blog is open, I wanted it to be that way, but still it surprises me that anyone finds their way to it, and then even more so, that they read it. Thanks for listening:)
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