Everything about my health is red. Red I suppose for ANXIETY. I wonder if I will ever have a stomach ache, or any minor health condition without my first response being, "is it cancer?" Irrational? Absolutely. I'm working on that, telling myself it is irrational and dramatic, but I am no where near conquering it yet.
Anything physical at this point is of course colored with cancer. Particularly since my entire upper body is affected in some way by the surgeries. I hope that will go away before too long. It's purple. Purple for scar tissue, and angry wounds. As these heal, I hope to get back to my regular workouts soon and physical activity will become just plain white.
What I eat is overwhelmingly colored by cancer because it has become my choice of treatment. I try to think of it as green. Green for growth, cleansing, and life. Sweets are now taboo because of the cancer, and I am constantly working on refining my diet to be better and healthier for me. Every meal, every snack, everything I put in my mouth is directed by my choice of treating my cancer.
Dreams are not a good color right now. Kind of shadowy grey and black. I think because the shadow cancer thoughts bother me when concious, so when I'm sleeping they become bigger and darker than they really are. I hope that by acknowledging the thoughts in the day, the dark dreams will become light again.
Spirituality and my relationship with God is also affected. I hope for the better because I am trying to rely on Him. I will admit that even though I know I need Him more, there are days I am a bit pouty and don't reach out to Him. Lucky for me, I know He is always there ready to embrace me, whenever I come around. He is forever gracious and patient with me and I know that. I can't even begin to imagine how I would face this without knowing that I have a Loving Father in Heaven. I hesitate to let my feelings for Him get too close to the surface, for fear that I will be in a state of constant teariness. That is SO dramatically different from my pre-cancer self.
Friends and relationships are gold. So precious. I hope those close to me realize how grateful and blessed I feel for the geniune, loving people in my life. Relationships were a treasure for me before cancer, but they are much more tender now. I still don't know how to show it very well, and am terribly awkward at times particularly with physical expressions of love. I still don't want to be hugged much but I'm getting used to it.
The color I don't experience is pink. Ironic maybe but I guess pink is too cliche' for me. I never have liked to be lumped in with the crowd...
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