Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hard lesson learned

Well, I have been through a bit of a week. I have realized the hard way that helping someone isn't always what you think it is. I have been doing what I thought was a good deed for someone for two and a half years, only to be thrown to the curb by one of the recipients. It's a little like one of those stories where someone tries to help someone out only to have the person turn around and sue them.

I guess what I have learned is that if I choose to do something for someone else (even if they ask for it) not to expect ANYTHING in return. Not even a "thank you." I am determined not to let this experience taint my view of mankind in general or to persuade me not to help someone in the future. I just have to do good for the sake of doing good, not for anything else.

I have learned that I cannot force someone to see things the way I see them. I have learned that I cannot make someone responsible for their actions, they have to take responsibility. I only have power over me. Why I would think otherwise I guess is a good question. Learning isn't always fun...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hippie Mom

I'm not sure how it happened - but I have made some changes in the last few years. First I got into yoga. I had some back problems after working on our house for several months and I found that yoga dissolved my issues. I love doing yoga I just struggle to find time to do it like I wish I could. One day I think it would be so fun to go to a real class with Bryan Kest. Okay so he is a little weird but his yoga is the best. And yes I think I could handle the guy in person - I'm sure my husband couldn't stand five minutes of the guy. I like him.

Next I think came the eating and cooking without meat. I still break out the beef once in a while but generally my cooking is meat free. I find we feel much better without it and we definitely get more fiber than we did in the past.

The step after that was changing my hygiene products. I now use shampoo, cleanser, hairspray and even toothpaste from all natural sources. No more pesticides or sulfates making their way into my shower regimen. Even most of my makeup is now plant based and cleaner. My skin is much healthier than it ever has been. If you are looking for a good facial cleanser may I recommend the sensitive cleansing gel from I love that they grow their own herbs for their products.

Now the movement is creeping into what I want to wear. I bought a bamboo t-shirt a while back and boy is it soft! I found a web site recently with organic clothing and bamboo clothing (there are quite a few out there) but I must say that I want to buy my clothes from them. I don't ever wear anything too fancy so the styles fit my life. What's next? Well maybe I will break out some tye dye or a do-rag who knows. I won't get into the drug scene or free love so that may be as far as it goes. But the hippie changes have made my life better.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolutions or Disallusions?

Okay, okay, I am a total slacker. I really get into these types of things at the beginning and then I slow way, way down. I am not a resolution type of gal... I just can't get the goal keeping part of the deal. But, I do have a few things I would like to improve this year. Of course eating better and exercising are part of the deal, but I would also like to be a better budget keeper, and memory keeper for my kids. Hmmm... already I can tell it's going to be a start big and never really finish. Oh well.
For Christmas I got a design program and I am loving it! The only problem is that I spend countless hours designing homes... I'm not going to move from the one I've got - so anyone out there want some ideas? I found the table in the picture above and want to put it into one of my design homes. I love the clean lines and modern look with the Lucite... so my style. All it needs is something vintage or antique on top to help it transition into my space. Oh and I guess there's the small matter of a couple of grand for the table...